Diabetes care involves managing and monitoring factors related to the disease to maintain stable blood sugar levels and prevent complications. Here are some key aspects of diabetes care:

1. Blood Sugar Monitoring

  • Regular Blood Sugar Testing: Use a personal glucose meter to check blood sugar levels daily.
  • HbA1c Test: Periodically perform an HbA1c test to check the average blood sugar level over 2-3 months.

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2. Medication Use

  • Insulin: For patients with type 1 diabetes and some cases of type 2 diabetes, regular insulin injections are necessary.
  • Oral Hypoglycemic Agents: Used for patients with type 2 diabetes to control blood sugar levels

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3. Diet

  • Carbohydrate Counting: Monitor carbohydrate intake to adjust insulin or medication doses.
  • Balanced Diet: Include plenty of vegetables, fruits, high-fiber foods, and low sugar

4. Physical Activity

  • Regular Exercise: Helps improve insulin sensitivity and control blood sugar levels

5. Complication Management

  • Regular Eye Check-ups: Prevent eye complications such as diabetic retinopathy.
  • Foot Care: Avoid infections and injuries related to diabetes.

Regular Kidney Check-ups: Ensure proper kidney function and prevent kidney failure.

6. Education and Counseling

  • Diabetes Educator: Provide knowledge and skills for self-managing the disease.
  • Dietitian: Advise on a diet suitable for the patient's condition.

7. Self-Management

  • Adherence to Treatment Plan: Take medications and insulin as prescribed, at the correct dose and time.
  • Monitoring and Recording: Keep track of blood sugar levels, diet, and daily activities to adjust as needed.





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